Fareed Zakaria Biography

Fareed Rafique Zakharia is a famous American journalist of Indian origin, his mother is the editor of The Sunday Times and his father is a famous politician who has achieved many notable achievements. A former columnist for Newsweek and editor of Newsweek International and Time, he is currently employed as a weekly columnist for the Washington Post and has written several critically acclaimed books, including The Post-American World, The Future of Freedom and Illiberal Democracy. From home and abroad to wealth to power and much more.

Zakaria was an intellectual and a political liberal who needed to be seen - he never took sides and was not swayed by any particular point of view - the most inspiring thing about the great man. In a day and age where many thinkers are biased and tend to favor their preferred party, Zakaria is the only one who, and justifiably, exposes the details and statistics of every issue in politics, what is happening on the ground.

His perspective is varied and witty, and it is varied and familiar. His educational standards are of a high standard and should not be forgotten to further prove and support the quality of his political and governmental observations. in Government Studies from Harvard University. He is a man who does not share his views critically or narrowly, he ensures that his claims and arguments are supported by reliable sources.

In recent times, Zakaria has been in the limelight for a popular reason - his scripts and writings for the television show he hosts on CNN every Sunday night -- namely Fareed Zakaria GPS. Received theft charges. This means copying content from other sources without acknowledgement. Two other bloggers on Twitter including @Crushingbort and @Blippoblappo have made this allegation against the blogger.

With Zakaria's incredible popularity and status, he was not fired from his current job, and most plagiarism charges were not enough. Journalists and other thinkers in his field feel that accusations and accusations are an important part of their work and should not be taken lightly.

However, his company, CNN, did not relieve him of the burden. A plagiarism test examined the quality of his work and found that he had only one example found in the act. CNN suspended him for a week. Then, he apologized and everything was fine.